Aug 27, 2021 | Oral History Project
A Eulogy For Ed Seymour, by Bill Howes Eulogy for Ed Thanks, Don, for the wonderful job you’ve done in speaking on behalf of your family. And I also want to thank you for the kindness you’ve shown to Cynthia as she’s weathered this storm. It’s greatly appreciated by...
Aug 20, 2021 | Oral History Project, Video
This interview follows Phyllis Benedict’s (Lennox) career as a teachers’ union leader. As a classroom teacher, she was a member of the Federation of Women Teachers’ Associations of Ontario (FWTAO). She became a voluntary member of the Ontario Public...
Aug 16, 2021 | Oral History Project
Dave Lennox was President of the Ontario Public School Teachers’ Federation (OPSTF), the men elementary teachers’ union, in the early 1980s. He became the union’s secretary-treasurer in 1987, a position he held during the 1997 two-week strike against...