Rebick, Judy

Rebick, Judy

Judy Rebick, a leading Canadian feminist and founder of, discusses her involvement with the labour movement, particularly the push to put abortion rights on the agenda of the labour movement.   ~ Interviewed by Sara Tatelan and Elizabeth...
Westcott, Joan

Westcott, Joan

Joan Westcott was the executive director of the Federation of Women Teachers Associations of Ontario (FWTAO) when the two elementary unions amalgamated. She had held that position since 1987. She was the local president of the Waterloo women’s teachers during...
Vorster, Menno

Vorster, Menno

Menno Vorster was a Toronto inner-city teacher who rose to become the Toronto Teacher Federation (TTF) president in the mid-1970s. He explains the unique structure of the Toronto local, which originally included the Ontario Public School Men Teachers’ Federation...
Author: robertmurdoch